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Debugging In 30 Minutes
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Popping Up the Window
3.3 Returning From the Window
3.4 Changing the Window Size
3.5 Moving the Window
3.6 Line Editing Keystrokes
3.7 Interactive Status Line
3.8 Command Syntax
3.8.1 Specifying Memory Addresses
3.9 Function Keys
3.10 Help
3.11 Tutorial
3.1 Introduction
All interaction with Soft-ICE takes place through a window that can be
popped up at any time. All Soft-ICE commands fit in a small window, but
the window can be enlarged to full screen. You will typically use the
small window when using Soft-ICE as an assistant to another debugger, and
the large window when using Soft-ICE in stand-alone mode.
The window initially comes up in full screen mode if you are using the
Soft-ICE configuration file (S-ICE DAT) that was included on the
distribution diskette.
3.2 Popping Up the Window
You can bring up the window at any time after installing Soft-ICE. You
initially bring up Soft-ICE by pressing the CTRL and D keys. However, this
sequence can be changed by using the ALTKEY command (see section 5.8).
3.3 Returning From the Window
Return to the original display by using the X command or the key sequence
that you used to invoke Soft-ICE. Any break points that you set while
working in Soft-ICE will be armed at this point.
3.4 Changing the Window Size
You can modify both the width and the height of the Soft-ICE window.
Changing the window size is particularly useful in stand-alone mode when
you are displaying code memory.
The window height can vary from 8 to 25 lines tall. To change the window
height, use the following key sequences:
ALT -- makes the window taller
ALT -- makes the window shorter
To change the window width, use the WIN command (see section 5.9).
Entering WIN with no parameters toggles between the following two modes:
WIDE mode -- full screen width
NARROW mode -- 46 characters wide
Some commands (i.e., D, E, R, U) take advantage of the extra width by
displaying more information when the window is in wide mode.
3.5 Moving the Window
The Soft-ICE window is movable and can be positioned anywhere on the
screen. This is particularly useful when the window is in narrow mode.
Move the window anytime you need to view information on the screen behind
the window. The following key sequences move the window:
CTRL -- moves the window one row up
CTRL -- moves the window one row down
CTRL -- moves the window one column right
CTRL -- moves the window one column left
3.6 Line Editing Keystrokes
Soft-ICE's easy-to-use line editor allows you to recall and edit previous
commands. The line editor functions are similar to those of the popular
CED line editor. The
following key sequences help you edit commands in the command window:
-- moves the cursor to the right
-- moves the cursor to the left
INS -- toggles insert mode
DEL -- deletes the current character
HOME -- moves the cursor to start of the line
END -- moves the cursor to the end of the line
-- displays the previous command
-- displays the next command
SHIFT -- scroll one line up in display
SHIFT -- scroll one line down in display
PAGE UP -- scroll one page up in display
PAGE DN -- scroll one page down in display
BKSP -- deletes the previous character
ESC -- cancels the current command
There are special key assignments when the cursor is in the data window or
the code window. These are described in the sections for the E and EC
command respectively. One special assignment of note is the SHIFT and
Shift keys while the cursor is in the code window. These keys are re-
assigned so they have the functions that and normally have. This way
you can recall previous commands while the cursor is in the code window.
3.7 Interactive Status Line
A status line at the bottom of the window provides interactive help with
command syntax.
3.8 Command Syntax
Soft-ICE is a command-driven debugging tool. To interact with Soft-ICE,
you enter commands, which can optionally be modified by parameters.
All commands are text strings that are one to six characters in length and
are case insensitive. AlI parameters are either ASCII strings or
Expressions are typically numbers, but can also be combinations of numbers
and operators (e.g., + - /*). All numbers are displayed in hexadecimal
format. Byte parameters are 2 digits long, word parameters are 4, and
double word parameters are 2 word parameters separated by a colon (:).
Here are some examples of parameters:
12 -- byte parameter
10FF -- word parameter
E000:0100 -- double word parameter
Registers can be used in place of bytes or words in an expression. For
example, the command 'U CS:IP-10' will start unassembling instructions ten
bytes before the current instruction pointer address. The following
register name may be used in an expression:
DX, DI, SI, BP, SP, IP, CS, DS, ES, SS, or FL
3.8.1 Specifying Memory Addresses
Many Soft-ICE commands require memory addresses as parameters. A memory
address is a value that is made of two 16-bit words, separated by a colon.
The first word is the segment address, and the second word is the segment
Public symbols can be used in place of an address in any Soft-ICE command.
The public symbols must have been loaded with the Soft-ICE program loader
(LDR.EXE). See chapter 7 (Symbols and Source) for a complete description
of using public symbols.
The Soft-ICE expression evaluator recognizes several special characters in
conjunction with addresses. These special characters are:
$ -- Current CS:IP.
@address -- Double Word Indirection
.number -- Source Line Number
The $ character can be used in place of CS:IP when typing the address of
the current instruction pointer.
The @ character allows you to refer to the double word pointed to by the
address. You can have multiple levels of @'s.
If the . character precedes an address, the address will be interpreted as
a source line number in the current file, rather than an actual address.
This is only valid when source files are loaded. The address is
interpreted as a decimal number in this case.
This command starts unassembling instructions at
source line 1234 decimal.
U $-10
This command unassembles instructions starting 10
bytes prior to the current instruction pointer.
Assume you are at the first instruction of an interrupt
routine. Entering this command will set a temporary
break point at the return address on the stack and skip
the interrupt routine.
3.9 Function Keys
Function keys can be assigned to any command string that can be typed into
Soft-ICE. Function keys can be assigned from the command line or pre-
initialized through the Soft-ICE definition file S-ICE.DAT.
The default S-ICE.DAT that comes on the Soft-ICE distribution diskette has
definitions for all 12 function keys. You can change any of these
definitions at any time. They are intended as examples, but they are
designed to make easy for users of Microsoft's CodeView, Thee default
assignments are:
F1 -- Displays general help (H;)
F2 -- Toggles the register window ( ^WR;)
F3 -- Changes current source mode ( ^SRC;)
F4 -- Restores screen ( ^RS;)
F5 -- Returns to your program ( ^X;)
F6 -- Toggles cursor between command window
code window ( ^EC;)
F7 -- Goes to current cursor line ( ^HERE;)
F8 -- Single steps ( ^T;)
F9 -- Sets break point at current cursor line ( ^BPX;)
F10 -- Program steps ( ^P;)
F11 -- Go to return address (large model)
( ^G@SS:SP;)
F12 -- Displays Soft-ICE version number ( ^VER;)
A caret ( ^ ) preceding a command makes it invisible, a semi-colon (;)
following a command represents a carriage return. You can display the
current function key assignments by entering the command:
To use a function key simply press the function key instead of entering
the command. To program function keys see section 5.8 for a description of
the FKEY command, or chapter 6 for a description of pre-initializing
function keys in S-ICE.DAT.
3.10 Help
The help command displays a short description, a syntax expression, and an
example of each command. To display help information, enter:
? or H -- displays short descriptions of all
commands and operators
? command or
H command -- displays more detailed information on
the specified command, syntax, and an
? expression or
H expression -- displays the value of the expression in
hexadecimal, decimal and ASCII
3.11 Tutorial
The following tutorial demonstrates a few of the features Soft-ICE and
gives you the opportunity to try using Soft-ICE. Soft-ICE can be used in
conjunction with another debugger or as a stand-alone debugger. The
tutorial demonstrates using Soft-ICE as an assistant to the DOS debugger,
DEBUG, and then shows how Soft-ICE can be used as a stand-alone debugger
with source and symbols loaded. DEBUG can be found on the PCDOS or MSDOS
system diskette. If you do not have DEBUG, you can use another debugger in
its place, or Soft-ICE can be used as a stand-alone debugger.
Users who need to use Soft-ICE for a reverse engineering project, or for
debugging DOS loadable device drivers or Terminate and Stay Resident
programs should go through this tutorial too. Even though examples of
these types of programs are not demonstrated directly, you will get an
overview of debugging with Soft-ICE. It is recommended that you experiment
with Soft-ICE and your particular environment before beginning a real
A short assembly language program with a subtle flaw is used to
demonstrate hardware-style break points. The sample program has been kept
intentionally short and to-the-point for those not very familiar with
assembly language. The tutorial is designed to give you a peek at Soft-ICE
features. Feel free to experiment on your own after going through the
Since Soft-ICE is very flexible, it allows you to load in the way that is
best for your system. Go through the installation procedures in section
2.2 before continuing with the tutorial.
If you do not have extended memory on your system, you must load Soft-ICE
from the command line. When loading Soft-ICE from the command line you can
not load symbols or source files. In this case you must improvise in the
section of the tutorial where Soft-ICE is used as a stand-alone debugger.
Soft-ICE can be loaded from the DOS prompt or loaded as a device driver in
CONFIG.SYS. For the purpose of this tutorial you should install Soft-ICE
in CONFIG.SYS with at least 50K of extended memory reserved for symbols
and source files. Soft-ICE should be the first device driver installed in
CONFIG.SYS. The device installation line should look like:
DEVICE = drive: path\S -ICE.EXE /SYM 50
The /SYM 50 parameter instructs Soft-ICE to reserve 50 kilobytes of
extended memory for symbols and source file This is not enough to solve
most real world problems, but will work for our sample program.
You must re-boot your system after placing this line in CONFIG.SYS.
When you re-boot your system Soft-ICE displays a copyright notice, a
registration number, the name of the person who owns this copy of Soft-
ICE, and the amount a extended memory reserved for each Soft-ICE
component. On a system with 384K of extended memory the initial screen
looks like:
Soft-ICE Your Name Your Company Name Registration # SInnnnnn
Copr. (C) Nu-Mega Technologies 1987-1989 All Rights Reserved Soft-ICE
Version 2.00 Soft-ICE is loaded from 00132000H up to 00160000H. 50K of
symbol space reserved. 10K of back trace space reserved. 200 K of extended
memory available.
The "Soft-ICE is loaded ..." message tells you the exact area of memory
that Soft-ICE and its components are occupying. If you are on a Compaq or
Compaq clone and have included the word COMPAQ in your S-ICE.DAT file you
would also see a message saying "Using high memory from XXXXXXXX to
The next line tells you how much symbol space has been reserved. This
space is used for both symbols and source files.
The next line tells you how much memory has been reserved for back trace
history. This amount defaults to 10K. This memory area is used by the SNAP
command and the BPR command with the T or TW options.
The last line tells you how much memory is left for regular extended
memory. This memory can be used by other programs, such as HIMEM,
Change directories to the hard drive directory where you loaded all the
files from your distribution diskette. Remember, this directory must be
accessible from your alternate path list.
Before we get into heavy debugging, let's bring the Soft-ICE window up and
give it a test drive.
Clear the screen by entering:
Bring up the Soft-ICE window by pressing:
The Soft-ICE window is now on the screen. If you have file S-ICE.DAT
accessible from your path then the Soft-ICE window will occupy the entire
screen. It will be divided into four sections. From top to bottom, these
sections are the register window, the data window, the code
window, and the command window. If S-ICE.DAT was not found then you will
have a small window in the center of the screen. This also means that
other components needed for the tutorial have not been loaded.
If the small window is visible you should:
1. Exit from Soft-ICE by entering X.
2. Unload Soft-ICE by entering S-ICE /U.
3. Copy the file S-ICE.DAT from the distribution
diskette to a directory accessible from your current
4. Restart the demo.
We will now switch to the small window. The small window is very
convenient for using Soft-ICE as an assistant to another debugger.
This will make a small command window in the center of the screen. Several
Soft-ICE commands are visible on this screen. These are remnants of the
initialization string in S-ICE.DAT that originally set up Soft-ICE in the
full screen mode.
You will notice a prompt symbol (:) and a status line at the bottom of the
The Soft-ICE window can be moved around on the screen, and the window size
can be adjusted.
Move the window around the screen by pressing:
CTRL -- moves the window up one row
CTRL -- moves the window down one row
CTRL -- moves the window one column left
CTRL -- moves the window one column right
Change the window size so that it fills the whole screen
by entering:
You will notice that the original screen is back.
Change back to the small window by entering WIN
Make the window taller or shorter by pressing:
ALT -- makes the window taller
ALT -- makes the window shorter
Now try what comes naturally when you're in front of a new program and you
don't have the foggiest notion of what to do next -- ask for help.
Get a help display by entering:
Notice how the display stops and waits for a keystroke before scrolling
any information off the screen. Look at the status line at the bottom of
the window. The status line displays the instructions: "Any Key To
Continue, ESC to Cancel ". Now press any key to continue displaying more
the help information. Continue pressing the key until the prompt (: )
Scroll back through the help information by pressing
Previously displayed information in the command window can be scrolled
with the shift up, shift down, page up and page down keys. Try a variety
of these keys to scroll through the help information.
The Soft-ICE help facility gives you an overview of each command. If you
enter a question mark (?) followed by a command name, you see a display
showing the command syntax, a short description of the command, and an
Try experimenting with help by entering commands in
this format:
? command
For example,
Pay attention to the status line prompts on the bottom line of the screen
if you get confused.
The help command also allows you to evaluate hexadecimal expressions.
For example, enter:
? 10*2+42
The resulting display shows you the value of the
expression, first in hexadecimal, then decimal, then in
ASCII representation:
0062 00098 "b"
We brought up the window with the CTRL D key sequence. That's all right
for some, but you may prefer to use another key sequence.
We are now going to enter a command to change the key sequence required to
bring up the window. We'll do this one step at a time, so you can get used
to the status line at the bottom of the window.
Type the letter 'A'. The status line displays a list of all
the commands starting with the letter 'A'. Finish
typing the word 'ALTKEY'. The status line now
displays a short description of the /ALTKEY command
Press the space bar. The status line now shows the
required syntax for the /ALTKEY command. Type the
letters 'ALT D' then press ENTER to enter the entire
You just changed the window pop up key sequence to ALT D. From now on, you
must press the ALT D key sequence to pop up the window. This is assumed
throughout the remainder of the tutorial.
Now let's test the previous command.
To exit from the window, press:
The Soft-ICE window just disappeared.
To return to the Soft-ICE window, release the ALT
key, then press:
The window returned.
To see some previous commands, press:
the key a few times.
Notice that Soft-ICE remembers commands that have been entered. Try
editing one just for fun. Some of the editing keys are:
INS -- Toggles insert mode on or off
DEL -- Deletes one character
HOME -- Moves the cursor to start of line
END -- Moves the cursor to end of line
-- Moves the cursor one column to the right
-- Moves the cursor one column to the left
When insert mode is on, notice that the cursor is in a block shape.
Now that you are somewhat familiar with the environment let's try some
more commands.
Erase the command you were editing by pressing the
HOME key, then pressing the DEL key until the
command is gone.
The WR command makes the register window visible. The register window
displays the contents of the 8086 registers. Notice that the register
values reflect the location where the code was executing when you invoked
The WR command is assigned to the function key F2 in the Soft-ICE
initialization file S-ICE.DAT.
Press the F2 key several times and you will see the
register window toggle on and off. Leave the register
window visible.
Extend the vertical size of the Soft-ICE window by
holding down the ALT and the until the window is
the entire length of the screen.
Notice the values of the CS and IP registers in the
register window, then enter:
The MAP command displays a system memory map. The area of the current
instruction pointer (CS:IP) is highlighted. If you have a complex memory
map you may have to press a key a few times until the until the prompt
Now try the following sequence a few times, noticing
the (CS:IP) registers in the register window.
Release ALT and D
Each time you bring the Soft-ICE window back up you will notice that the
CS and IP registers have changed. When CS and IP change you can enter the
MAP command again to see if the instruction pointer now points to a
different area.
This little exercise demonstrates that Soft-ICE is a system level debugger
that pops up wherever the instruction pointer happens to be when you press
the Soft-ICE hot key sequence. The instruction pointer is continuously
changing because there is a lot of activity happening behind the scenes
even when you are at the DOS prompt, such as timer interrupts, DOS device
driver polling, DOS busy waiting other interrupts, etc.
Press the F12 function key.
The F12 function key defaults to be assigned to the Soft-ICE VER command.
It displays the Soft-ICE copyright message and the version number.
We will now assign the F12 function key to the Soft-ICE RS command.
This will temporarily show the program screen without the Soft-ICE window.
Press the space bar to get back to get back the Soft-ICE
This assigns the RS command to the F12 key. The semi-colon represents the
ENTER key.
Press the F12 key.
Repeat this a few times to toggle between the Soft-ICE window and the
program screen. Now make sure the Soft-ICE window is displayed, by
pressing the F12 key if necessary. You will notice RS displayed several
times in the window. There is one occurrence for each time you pressed the
F12 key to show the program screen.
Clear the Soft-ICE window by entering:
The ^ symbol is a shifted 6. This assigns the RS command to the F12 key,
but makes it an invisible command.
Press the F12 key several times. Notice that the RS
command no longer displays in the Soft-ICE window.
You can also assign a sequence of Soft-ICE commands to a function key.
Remember to place a carriage return between each command.
Now let's prepare to use Soft-ICE as an assistant to the MSDOS DEBUG
Get rid of the register window by pressing the F2.
then shrink the window size down to about 6 lines by
Using ALT .
This command tells Soft-ICE to generate interrupt 3's when break point
conditions are met. That's how Soft-ICE will communicate with DEBUG. The
default setting is HERE. ACTION HERE will cause control to return directly
to Soft-ICE. Use ACTION HERE when using Soft-ICE as a stand-alone
For those of you not using DEBUG with this tutorial you might have to
improvise now. CODEVIEW works with ACTION set to NMI. Most other debuggers
will work with ACTION set to INT3. If your debugger doesn't, and you need
help improvising, refer to the complete description ACTION (see section
To make the Soft-ICE window disappear again, enter:
This is an alternative method to exit from Soft-ICE. This especially
useful in function key definitions.
Now that you are familiar with some of the basics of using Soft-ICE, let's
learn some details by debugging the sample program (SAMPLE.ASM).
SAMPLE.ASM is a simple program written in assembly language by a
programmer named Jed. The program reads a keystroke from DOS and displays
a message telling whether the keystroke was a space.
To run the program SAMPLE, enter:
Now press the space bar. Press several keys. Jed's program obviously has a
problem! Jed has spent hours studying this source code and is certain
there are no flaws in his logic. However, Jed borrowed some 'helper'
routines from his friend Jake (get_key, is_space?). Jed is somewhat
suspect these routines but he cannot find the bug.
The source code for Jed's program looks like this:
Page 55,80
Title Sample program for Soft-ICE tutorial
DATA Segment Public 'Data'
pad db 12H dup(O)
char db 0
answer db 0
space_msg db 'The Character is a SPACE',0DH,0AH,'$'
no_space_msg db 'The Character is NOT a'
db 'SPACE',0DH,0AH,'$'
STACK Segment Stack 'Stack'
Dw 128 Dup (?) ;Program stack STACK Ends
CODE Segment Public 'Code'
; Set up segments
mov ax,DATA
mov es,ax
mov ds,ax
; Main Program Loop
call get_key
call is_space?
cmp answer,0
je no,space
; It's a space, so display the space message
mov ah,9
mov dx,offset space_msg
int 21H
jmp main_loop
; It's NOT a space, so display the no space message
mov ah,9
mov dx,offset no_space_msg
int 21H
jmp main_loop
; Get Key Routine (one of Jake's routines)
get_key proc
mov ah,8
int 21H
mov char,al
ret get_key endp
; Check if character is a space (one of Jake's routines)
is_space? proc
cmp char,20H
jne not_space
mov answer, 1
ret not_space:
mov cs:answer,0
ret is_space? endp
Jed has been using DEBUG but has not been able to pinpoint the problem. As
a recommendation from his nephew Jethro, Jed has purchased Soft-ICE. He
was somewhat reluctant to use it because he had tried a hardware-assisted
debugger but could never get it working quite right. He was willing to try
Soft-ICE because he could continue to use DEBUG -- the only debugger he
really understood.
Press CTRL C to break out of the program.
Enter the following commands:
DEBUG drive:\pathname\SAMPLE. EXE
In the hours Jed has spent trying to find this elusive bug, he has had the
suspicion that something is overwriting his code in some subtle way. With
Soft-ICE, Jed decides to set a range break point across his code segment.
The Soft-ICE window is back. Move the window (by using
CTRL and the arrow keys) until DEBUG's register
display is visible. It's time to set our first break point.
BPR code-seg:0 code-seg:25 W
Code-seg is the value in the CS register as displayed by the
DEBUG R command.
The BPR command sets a memory-range break point. The length of Jed's code
segment is 25H bytes, so the memory range specified goes from the
beginning of his code segment to the end. The W tells Soft-ICE to break
on a write. We want to catch any unexpected writes to Jed's code.
The BL command displays all break points. The display from BL looks
similar to the following display:
0) BPR code-seg:0000 code-seg:0025 W C = 01
The 0 is the identifier for this break point. The range and W are
displayed as they were entered, and the count (since none was specified)
defaults to one.
Now comes the moment of truth.
Press ALT D.
The window disappears again.
To run SAMPLE from DEBUG, enter:
Press the space bar. Ok so far. Now press a non-space
Our break point just woke up DEBUG. The registers and single unassembled
instruction are displayed.
U cs:address
Address is the value of the IP register minus 10 hexadecimal. Since DEBUG
is rather primitive, the value of the IP register minus 10 hexadecimal
must be calculated by hand. The instruction pointer is pointing one
instruction past the instruction that caused the break point. By going
back ten hexadecimal instructions, DEBUG should sync up.
The instruction at offset 3BH is:
Jed says,"There it is! I just knew Jake's helper routines were the
problem! His code segment override instruction is writing a zero byte
right over my code! Who knows what that's doing!"
U 0
Location 13H happens to be the offset of a conditional jump instruction.
The relative offset of the conditional jump is being set to zero. If you
are an 8086 guru, you obviously know that the JE will ALWAYS fall through
if the relative offset is zero. What a subtle BUG!
Now we will take a quick look at how this problem would be solved using
Soft-ICE as a stand-alone debugger. But first we must exit from debug.
Before exiting the debugger, it's always a good idea to disable all the
break points, unless ACTION is set to HERE. If you do not do this, when a
break point occurs and ACTION tries to return to a debugger that is not
loaded, the results are unpredictable. We've changed the ACTION to INT3,
so we have to disable the break point.
To bring up the window, press:
List the break point by entering:
Notice that the break point description line is highlighted. The
highlighted break point is the last break point that occurred.
Notice that the break point number is 0. To disable
break point zero, enter:
BD 0
List the break point again by entering:
The asterisk (*) after the break point number shows that the break point
is disabled.
To clear the break point, enter:
BC 0
Enter BL again.
Notice that there are no break point lines displayed.
Exit from Soft-ICE, then exit from the debugger, by
The next part of the tutorial demonstrates how Soft-ICE can be used to
find the same problem as a stand-alone debugger. Soft-ICE will be used as
a source level debugger.
To prepare Soft-ICE to debug at source level it must have been installed
in your CONFIG.SYS file, and extended memory allocated for symbols and
source files. Soft-ICE can only be used as a source level debugger if you
have extended memory on your system. If you do not have
extended memory you may still want to read through the rest of the
tutorial to see the capabilities of Soft-ICE with extended memory. If you
have not loaded S-ICE.EXE in your CONFIG.SYS file with memory reserved for
symbols, do so at this time.
To debug the sample program with Soft-ICE as a stand-alone debugger we
must use the Soft-ICE program loader (LDR.EXE). To load the sample
program(SAMPLE.EXE), the symbol file (SAMPLE.SYM) and the source
file(SAMPLE.ASM) enter:
You are now in Soft-ICE with SAMPLE.EXE loaded into memory. Notice that
Soft-ICE occupies the full screen. Soft-ICE switches to its wide mode
whenever a program loaded. The source from SAMPLE.ASM should be visible in
the code window. In addition, the register window and the DATA windows are
Step through one instruction by pressing F10.
Notice that the reverse video bar moves to the next instruction to be
executed after a program step.
Press F6.
This places the cursor in the code window.
Now experiment with the , , pageUp, and
pageDn keys to move the cursor and scroll the
source file.
Move the cursor down to line 42 with the key.
Press F9.
We have just set an execution break point on line 42. The line should be
highlighted, showing you that a break point has been set on it.
This shows the break point that we have just set.
Now press ALT D.
This exits Soft-ICE, and causes the sample program to execute until it
encounters the break point on line 42. Soft-ICE should immediately come
back, with the reverse video bar on line 42.
Press F6 again.
This will bring the cursor back to the command window. Now enter:
BC *
This will clear all the break points (there should only be one set).
Now exit from Soft-ICE by pressing ALT D.
You are back to the sample program. Type a few keys just to make sure it
is still broken.
Now pop Soft-ICE back up with ALT D.
Since the bug has already occurred, we want to restart the program. Enter:
This command forces the sample program to exit. The R tells Soft-ICE to
restore the interrupt vectors to the state they were when the sample
program was loaded with LDR. The D tells Soft-ICE to delete any currently
pending break points. The R and the D are not necessary in this case, but
it is good to get in the habit of specifying them when exiting a program
that was loaded with LDR.EXE.
You are now back at the DOS prompt. Reload the
program by entering:
Notice the suffix.EXE was specified this time. When the suffix is
specified, Soft-ICE does not attempt to load a symbol file or source file.
In this case the symbol file and source file are already in memory.
This displays the public symbols of the sample program.
Press Esc to get back to the prompt.
We will now set a range break point similar to the one we set while using
Soft-ICE as an assistant to debug. This time we will use symbols to set
the break point. Enter:
This will set a range break point in our code segment from the symbol
START to line 82 of the source file.
You can verify that the break point has been set properly.
Press ALT D.
Press a non-space key.
We're back in Soft-ICE. Notice that the current instruction (the line with
the reverse video bar) is the instruction after the one that caused the
break point.
To see the actual code press the F3 key.
This places Soft-ICE in mixed mode. Notice that the reverse video bar
covers 2 lines. This is the actual code line and the source code line of
the current instruction.
Press the F3 key again.
We are now in code mode. No source lines are visible. The instruction
above the reverse video bar is the instruction that caused the range break
point to go off.
Press the F3 key again to get back to source mode.
Now we will fix the bug in the sample program.
Exit the sample program and go back to the DOS
prompt by entering:
Re-load the sample program by entering:
Set the code window in code mode by pressing the
F3 key twice.
Un-assemble at the broken routine by entering:
U not_space
We will now use the Soft-ICE interactive assembler to fix the problem.
A not_space
Soft-ICE will prompt you with the address.
Press ENTER to exit from the assembler.
Notice in the code window that there is a NOP instruction in place of the
CS over-ride at offset 003BH.
Press the F3 key to get back to source mode, (the
source code of course is not modified).
Press ALT D to run the mended sample program.
spaces and some non-spaces
It works! You fixed the bug!
To get out of Jed's program, and return to DOS, press:
Now we're going to demonstrate another feature of Soft-ICE.
This will load the sample program in one more time.
The first two displayed instructions are:
Notice that the jump instruction jumps to itself. This infinite loop would
normally hang the system in an unrecoverable fashion.
We have just turned on BREAK mode. BREAK mode will cause the system to run
slightly slower, but will allow Soft-ICE to come up even when the system
would normal be hung.
Exit from Soft-ICE by pressing ALT D.
Your system is now hung. For those non-believers, press:
Nothing happens! It is definitely hung.
Now press ALT D.
The Soft-ICE window is back!
To get out of the infinite loop, enter:
You are now back at DOS. Try a few directories to get a feel for the
performance degradation. Many people feel comfortable leaving BREAK ON as
a configuration default.
Turn BREAK mode off again by entering:
Do a few directories to get a comparison of the speed.
That's it! Have fun! It's time to start experimenting and debugging on
your own. Browse through the rest of the manual and refer to specific
sections when necessary.
SECTION II -- Commands
Section II contains syntax listings for each Soft-ICE command, and
explanations and examples for each command. All numbers are in
hexadecimal; any number can be an expression using +,-,/,*, or registers.
All commands are case-insensitive. Words that are in italics the command
syntax statements must be replaced by an actual value, rather than typing
in the italicized word.
The following notational conventions are used throughout this section:
[ ] -- Brackets enclose an optional syntax item.
< > -- Angle brackets enclose a list of items
or choices.
x | y -- Vertical bars separate alternatives.
Use either item x or item y.
count -- Count is a byte value that specifies the
number of times break point conditions
must be met before the actual break point
occurs. If no count is specified, the
default value is 1. Each time the
Soft-ICE window is brought up, the
counts are reset to the values originally
verb -- Verb is a value that specifies what type
access the break point will apply to. It
can be set to 'R' for reads, 'W' for write
'RW' for reads and writes, or 'X' for
address -- Address is a value that is made of two 16-bit
words, separated by a colon. The first
word is the segment address, and the
second word is the segment offset. The
addresses can be constructed of registers
expressions, and symbols.
Thee address may also contain the special
characters "$", ".", and "@". See section
3-8 (Command Syntax) for a description
of these special characters.
break-number -- Break-number is an identification number
that identifies the break point to use
when you are manipulating break points
(e.g., editing, deleting, enabling, or
disabling them). The break-number can
be a hexadecimal digit from 0 to F.
list -- List is a series of break-numbers separated
by commas or spaces.
mask -- Mask is a bitmask that is represented as:
combination of 1's, 0's, and X's. X's are
don't-care bits.
This command will cause a break point to occur if port
21H is written to with the high order bit set.
GT, LT -- GT and LT are command qualifiers that
unsigned comparisons of values.